Announcing Joe Ferraro as New CEO of Hypothesis

By The Hypothesis Team | 14 June, 2024

We are thrilled to announce that Joe Ferraro has stepped into the role of CEO at Hypothesis. Joe’s appointment marks a new chapter for our company, as our founder, Dan Whaley, transitions to the role of President and Chief Product Officer. In this position, Dan will lead the charge in ensuring the continued success of our product for educational users, web app users, and business users as Hypothesis evolves into this new era.

Joe’s arrival as CEO comes at an exciting time for Hypothesis. Our growth in the education sector has been remarkable, and Joe’s extensive background in edtech, spanning over a decade, positions him perfectly to steer Hypothesis through this dynamic landscape.

Joe is no stranger to Hypothesis. For the past two years, he has been an invaluable part of our team as the Vice President of Revenue. His deep understanding of educational technology, coupled with his commitment to addressing the needs of educators, has made a significant impact on our mission to foster collaborative learning through web annotation.

Joe’s Vision for Hypothesis

Under Joe’s leadership, we aim to build on our successes and further enhance the Hypothesis platform. “Hypothesis has proven to be a key component of thousands of educators’ toolkits – driving further student engagement and academic success. With Hypothesis in your toolkit, an educator can expect a 5x improvement in student interaction with course material and build a solid foundation for further success as they pursue their degree. There is tremendous opportunity to continue to support more students and institutions and I’m looking forward to seizing this opportunity in conjunction with partners like JSTOR and Vitalsource as force multipliers. Combine that with our world-class team and Dan’s vision we are looking forward to bringing social annotation to every school in North America to unlock the potential for active, visible and social learning.”

In the coming year, Hypothesis’ goal is to continue investment in the education sector, introducing new surfaces to annotate upon and providing more advanced data and reporting tools for our university partners.  We’ll also be taking a closer look at AI as we look to add more tools to our educators’ toolkits.

A Glimpse into Joe’s Background

Joe brings over 15 years of experience in the education sector to his new role. He began his career in enrollment management and fundraising before transitioning to the vendor side, where he focused on creating equal educational opportunities. Prior to joining Hypothesis, Joe was at Labster, where he led the development of science education courseware, expanded the sales team significantly, and built robust go-to-market strategies for higher education and K12 institutions both in the US and internationally.

“I came from a family that valued education as a top priority and was a first generation college student. I’ve felt incredibly lucky and proud that I’ve been able to support hundreds of thousands of students in my career – Hypothesis has the opportunity to do the same and I’m thrilled to be a part of this journey.”

Outside of his professional life, Joe is an avid traveler and enjoys spending quality time with his family and rescue dog in Boston, MA.

About Hypothesis

For those new to Hypothesis, we offer a web annotation tool that allows users to annotate a wide range of online texts, from blogs and journals to news articles. Our tool fosters collaborative learning and provides an interactive way to engage with content. Visit our website to learn more about our offerings and stay updated on our latest developments.

We are excited about the future of Hypothesis under Joe’s leadership and look forward to continuing our journey of making an impact on the teaching and learning experience.

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