BMC Adds Hypothesis Annotation to Enable Community Feedback During Peer Review
BMC has partnered with Hypothesis and Research Square to enable open annotation for community feedback in their new publication platform, In Review.
BMC has partnered with Hypothesis and Research Square to enable open annotation for community feedback in their new publication platform, In Review.
Authors, researchers and readers will now be able to annotate in branded and moderated discussions on APA PsycNET for updates, links to additional resources and interactive post-publication commentary.
In a time of complex and changing publishing practices, Hypothesis brings open annotation to Silverchair publishers to engage readers in the version of record.
AGU and eJournalPress integrate open annotation into all AGU journals to to facilitate dialog among reviewers, editors and authors during peer review.
Editors, reviewers and scholars are recognizing the potential for open annotation to streamline and improve traditional forms of peer review and create a framework for new review practices.