Brand Kit
Brand Kit
Use these brand guidelines with any print or digital project that requires the use of Hypothesis brand assets (e.g., logo, colors, or typefaces).
What is Hypothesis?
Hypothesis is a tool that enables you to make notes in the margins of digital texts anywhere on the web and share them with others. Using social annotation fosters collaborative discussion, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of readings.
Who is Hypothesis?
Hypothesis is a mission-driven organization dedicated to the development and spread of open, standards-based annotation technologies and practices that enable anyone to annotate anywhere on the web. Our mission is to help people reason more effectively together through a shared, collaborative discussion layer over all knowledge. Hypothesis is based in San Francisco, CA, USA, with a worldwide team.
How to spell Hypothesis
Use “Hypothesis” in all copy. “,” with a period before the i, is used only in our wordmark and domain name.
Use Hypothesis’ rather than Hypothesis’s for possession. E.g., Hypothesis’ user experience is so elegant!
- Wordmark and icon: Myriad Pro Semibold
- General: Inter, VisbyCF
Hypothesis cannot guarantee that these image files will always be available from these links, so rather than linking to them, it is better to download them and upload them to serve them directly from whatever website or platform you are using.

Learning Management System (LMS) Assets
Some LMSs require image files with specific dimensions. Any that we have identified are available for download below. If your LMS is not listed, use one of the general image files above, or if your LMS has more specific requirements, let us know and we’ll help you get an image that will work.
- Blackboard: Icon
- Canvas: Course Card | Icon
- D2L Brightspace: Let us know if there is a specific requirements for an image to use.
- Moodle: Icon
- Sakai: Let us know if there is a specific requirements for an image to use.
- Schoology: Let us know if there is a specific requirements for an image to use.
Download all Hypothesis and Liquid Margins logos and icons or please contact us for brand information or assets not available on this page.