
Join our upcoming events.

In the world of social annotation, there’s always something new to learn and discover. The Hypothesis team leads and participates in a wide range of events – from insightful webinars to industry conferences. Follow along and join us to stay at the forefront of online collaboration.

A Coalition for Scholarly Annotation

The Annotating all Knowledge coalition gathered in Portland to begin the work of defining, designing, and implementing a common framework for scholarly collaboration. Members of the coalition include publishers, platform providers, librarians, standards makers, and technologists who share a common interest in annotation of all scholarly content for the benefit of scientists, humanists, students, teachers, […]

I Annotate 2015

The third annual I Annotate conference, dedicated to annotation technologies and practices. For more, visit the official I Annotate site.

Climate Annotation Workshop aims to organize the community of climate scientists to annotate online media and provide readers and authors with in-situ feedback about the scientific credibility of information. Our own Dan Whaley spoke at the Climate Feedback workshop on December 18th. The following morning, Hypothesis hosted a morning annotation meet-up at the Hypothesis Project HQ @ […]

Annotations at the W3C

A dedicated group of individuals worked diligently toward a web annotation standard — the idea being that annotation is something that will be fundamental to the future of the web and should be interoperable, and eventually incorporated into browsers. The first chance for a face to face meeting of this new group came during the […]

I Annotate 2014

The second annual I Annotate conference brought together the worldwide annotation community to share developments, insights, and challenges, and to forge new connections. For more, visit our companion blog post.

I Annotate 2013

About 100 technologists, hackers, publishers, scientists, scholars, and librarians from around the world gathered at Fort Mason in San Francisco, CA, for the I Annotate conference, underwritten by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Hosted by Hypothesis, the conference focused on the twin objectives of showcasing progress in the annotation toolbox and exploring how to jumpstart […]

Reputation Workshop: 2012

Thanks to a generous grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation we hosted a workshop on February 22-24, 2012, in San Francisco at the Fort Mason Center, in order to share with and learn from key members of the academic, nonprofit, and commercial sectors who research and use reputation systems. Learn more on the workshop […]