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Ryan Branzell / Drop Your Shoulders

15 August, 2013
This kind of tool has the potential to further democratize the web, by making the comments and conversation surrounding a piece of writing just as important — if not moreso — than the original text. That is something compelling that could, and would, bring me out of my RSS shell and back onto the open web.

Nieman Lab

12 August, 2013
I think the way tech first evolved, it was highly community-oriented and focused on shared goals and shared objectives, and I think we lost some of that,” says Whaley. “But I think there are elements of it that are coming back, because of the explosion of open source and collaborative systems, and also some fatigue with the commercial infrastructure we conduct our affairs on — Facebook, Twitter, and so forth. They give us service we want, but impose a tax for doing so, and, for me — I think there’s a different future.

The Scholarly Kitchen

30 April, 2013
Thinking back to the foundation of the World Wide Web, annotation was actually a critical component of what Sir Tim Berners-Lee conceived of as an interconnected store of research documents for CERN.


26 April, 2013
Première différence, cependant : est indépendante, open source, à but non lucratif et utilise les standards du W3C. Elle sera donc financée en partie par nous-mêmes et par des fonds publics. Le rachat de GoodReads par Amazon a démontré la nécessité de ce type d’argument : vos productions textuelles sont garanties d’être pérennes, parce que ce sont en partie vos dons qui assurent la viabilité de la plateforme.

Fast Company Co.Exist

22 April, 2013
Using reputation-modeling that privileges people who actually know about stuff, the system creates information trails, showing what research or news preceded the text in question, and what other work it led to afterwards. "This is collaborative research that blurs the line between pre- and post-publication," he says.


14 April, 2013
Obviously, the existence of such a system, as it is envisioned by the founders, would be a startling addition to human knowledge. And a very controversial one. Imagine reading an annotated NY Times, where the pros and cons of Paul Krugman's thoughts on the Euro could be argued by the world's great economists. Or your sister could annotate online recipes on Epicurious. Or a company's claims about their product's capabilities and value could be countered by disgruntled customers.

New York Times

11 April, 2013
Maybe that is why there is now a renewed appetite for exploring ways of facilitating commenting across the Internet that give more control to individuals. Many of those interested in seeing that happen-- including start-ups, academics, libraries and early adopters-- came to San Francisco this week for the I Annotate conference. It was a discussion about discussion.

Marcus' World

17 February, 2013 aims to leave a digital trail of people's thought processes as they traipse across the Web. At the "I Annotate" conference this April, a wide swath of the digital publishing community will take the next steps toward building this infrastructure.

Library Journal

23 January, 2013
Our goal is to realize a vision long held by the pioneers of the web, where we all create, consume, and collaborate interchangeably and easily.

ACM News

27 November, 2012
" is not a tool to tell people whether something is true or not-- it's a tool to let people have their input and, by having more information, they can decide for themselves whether it is true or false," says Leeds.