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Share Knowledge Network

20 May, 2020
¿Y cuál es su propósito? Subrayar o anotar, destacando ideas y hacer relación de textos que se comparten y se socializa para fomentar la comprensión lectora, el trabajo en equipo, la revisión de textos y su interpretación. También facilita lecturas hipertextuales, en pocas palabras: ¡Te ayuda a aprender!

Bodong Chen

11 May, 2020
Importantly, our Hypothesis annotations were created within the context of each article, and the relationships between our codes and the original content were preserved. For each article, the annotations are both summarized on the group page and remain embedded in the annotated document.

Journal of Interactive Media in Education

11 May, 2020
Open pedagogy is often promoted as a vital way to increase the inclusivity of the classroom. It is defined as “an access-oriented commitment to learner-driven education and as a process of designing architectures and using tools for learning that enable students to shape the public knowledge commons of which they are a part” (DeRosa & Jhangiani 2018).

EdArXiv Preprints

10 May, 2020
A wide range of web annotation technologies is represented in this review. Some tools are custom-built, with sophisticated functionalities that provide unique scaffolding (Chen and Chen, 2014; Eryilmaz et al., 2013). However, there are also studies that adopt tools that are readily available, such as Diigo, Hypothesis, and even Google Docs.


8 May, 2020
The majority of our record 10 million annotations has been created by people reading together, moving us closer to a shared vision of transforming teaching and learning through social reading. Across all annotations the numbers are remarkable:

Rosario Rogel-Salazar

15 April, 2020
El objetivo de este video es explicar cómo funciona la herramienta, para la anotación de textos web y cómo funciona la anotación social de textos.

Share Knowledge Network

15 April, 2020
En este contexto, los recursos de la #CienciaAbierta cobran cada vez mayor importancia. Un caso específico es el uso de la herramienta Hypothesis, que permite la anotación web de textos de forma colaborativa, lo cual complementa nuestra labor de enseñanza- aprendizaje en medios presenciales y potencia la enseñanza en medios virtuales.


15 April, 2020
Jeremy Dean, Director of Education at Hypothesis, Brent Bellamy, Instructor - Trent University, and Albana Stafa, student - Trent University explore web annotation as a core digital pedagogical practice for the 21st century classroom and discuss the case of a third-year online English course. Students in the course conducted fieldwork by asynchronously annotating stories about energy and globalization with their observations, questions, and analyses, and were then tasked with writing an interpretive paragraph based on the annotations other students had left using web annotation.


13 April, 2020
“Visible, active, and social.” That’s how the no-cost tool describes itself. makes it possible for students to “write in the margins” and annotate online text. Even more important, it makes that work social if needed.

W.W. Norton & Company

9 April, 2020
Tools like Hypothesis or NowComment can allow students to take notes on the open web, including on news websites, PDFs, and open-source full-length books. They can also converse with each other through threaded annotations on a text. The use of social annotation tools allows for conversations among readers, mimicking a class discussion, and deeper engagement with born-digital texts.