Creating Course Objectives Using Bloom’s Taxonomy 

By Stephanie Hijazi of Roger Williams University

Description #

This low-stakes exercise was created for instructors who are starting the process of creating course objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy. This is being used in a fully online asynchronous class for online course development. The exercise enables instructors to interact directly with the terms, see each other’s posts, and also use the objectives they come up with later in their course development process. Only having to come up with three objectives with the terms directly in the text is a much easier, scaffolded step than creating all of the objectives from scratch. It also encourages the instructors to use the terms directly, and not revert to “understand” or “know” in their objectives.

This exercise also provides a student view of Hypothesis so instructors can consider how they might use it in their own courses.

Assignment #

Assignment 1A: Creating Course Objectives

As you have noticed going through the content, writing course and learning objectives might be difficult at first, especially if you have not had experience writing them before. 

To begin this process, we will be doing a simple exercise in a program called Hypothesis using Bloom’s Taxonomy. You will highlight three vocabulary words from the list and then on the right-hand side, use that action word to write out a learning objective you might use in your course plan and explain why you chose this word, and how it might align with the overall course objective. Try to use one word from each list. As your fellow students start adding their own annotations, you can see how others are using the vocabulary. You can also ask questions about each other’s objectives or suggest alternative approaches. You can then use these same objectives when you build out your course plan. Also, by using Hypothesis as a student, you will also gain valuable insight into how you can use this tool in your own classes.


  • Find (3) three words and write out a learning objective for each word.
  • Write one (1) comment on another’s annotation.
  • The exercise is graded as pass/fail.

For a quick video on how to annotate a text please visit Annotating in the LMS for Students or Annotation tips.