Using Hypothesis in Pressbooks

Pressbooks installations and books hosted at now come with the Hypothesis plugin automatically installed. If you are working with Pressbooks, all you have to do to activate Hypothesis is to go to Settings and configure the  app however you want. Designated pages will be annotatable natively: the sidebar will appear on the page, and text selection will trigger the app.

Go to settings and click Hypothesis
Go to settings and click Hypothesis

You can configure Hypothesis highlights to appear automatically. You can configure the sidebar to open automatically. Both these actions can of course be done manually if you choose not to make these settings the default.

You can also configure Hypothesis to be activated on PDFs hosted within the Pressbooks  book. (Note: PDFs must be OCRed to be annotatable using

Hypothesis setting

You can select what general types of Pressbooks content you’d like Hypothesis to appear on. For example, you could configure the Hypothesis sidebar to be active on all “chapters” in a book.

Content setting

You can also configure Hypothesis to appear only on certain chapters (or other content types) by entering a page ID–shown in the URL when editing the post or page.

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