Hypothesis Passes 6M Annotations
Last week we hit 6M total historical annotations (having announced the 5M annotation milestone overall only in mid-March). Hypothesis is now recording a million annotations every quarter.
We ended June with 5,849,284 total annotations, which was a significant increase over the prior month with the largest increase month-to-month in the category “shared in groups”. During the month users made 342,242 annotations. We had 5,052 active annotators and 7,366 new registered users in June. 1,805 new groups were created in June.
If we continue on our current growth path we’re on pace for 10M annotations by early next year. This would put our end of year, year over year milestones over the last four years (2016-2019) at (approximately) 1M (2016), 2M (2017), 4M (2018), 8M (2019 – expected given pilots coming on board). Approximately 75% of that activity is educational, with another 15% research (scholarly), 5% journalistic and the last part general purpose use. We expect that the pilot program, institutional relationships and other integrations contemplated can begin to accelerate this curve. At this rate, we get to the 1 billion milestone 6 years from now in 2025, but we think the growth curve will accelerate dramatically as users come on board through institutional relationships.