PubFactory Integrates Hypothesis Annotation for Publishers
PubFactory offers open annotation capabilities from Hypothesis to its customers, who publish over 400,000 books and 1,400 journals on their platform.
PubFactory offers open annotation capabilities from Hypothesis to its customers, who publish over 400,000 books and 1,400 journals on their platform.
Hypothesis and Ingenta announce the integration of Hypothesis annotation technology across the Ingenta Connect and Ingenta Open platforms.
The Internet Archive and Hypothesis announce a new integration that enables open annotations to include embedded video from the TV News Archive’s huge collection.
View the recorded conversation from our 17 Oct 2017 webinar about using annotation with secondary and higher education science students to build scientific habits of mind.
Hypothesis users have created over two million annotations, taking personal notes and collaborating in research and scholarship, teaching and learning, and journalism and fact-checking.
Keep the #OpenEd17 conversations going: collaborate with everyone in the open education community to annotate texts related to and inspired by this year’s conference.
Announcing the world’s first open-source, standards-based annotation capability for EPUBs, the fastest growing publication format.
On 14 September, for the first time ever, Hypothesis users created over 10,000 annotations in a single day, as our growth in annotations continued to accelerate.
AGU and eJournalPress integrate open annotation into all AGU journals to to facilitate dialog among reviewers, editors and authors during peer review.
Editors, reviewers and scholars are recognizing the potential for open annotation to streamline and improve traditional forms of peer review and create a framework for new review practices.