Social Annotation and Math

There is great benefit in teaching students how to read about mathematics. It is not uncommon for students in mathematics courses to quickly consult their textbooks when completing a problem set or searching for a formula. Yet it is also advantageous for students to engage more substantively with primary mathematics sources through both reading and writing activities like social annotation — especially when encountering a complex concept for the first time, or when explaining how they solved a problem. Social annotation is also a productive complement to mathematics courses given the prevalence of open educational resources (OER) in mathematics education, as Hypothesis easily integrates with leading open-textbook publishing platforms such as Pressbooks, OpenStax and LibreTexts.
The above is excerpted from our white paper, “The Value of Social Annotation for Teaching and Learning: Promoting Comprehension, Collaboration and Critical Thinking With Hypothesis.“
Watch short clips from Liquid Margins 8: “Solving Problems in the Margins: Annotating Math,” with Matt Salomone, Professor and Chairperson of Mathematics, Bridgewater State University.
Get the entire equation by viewing the full Liquid Margins 8 episode.