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Enabling Deep Linking in Hypothesis in Moodle

Who is this guide for?

  • School partners with existing Hypothesis installations who created those installations before this option was available.
  • People with administrator-level access to their institution’s Moodle instance.
  • If you are installing a new version of Hypothesis these directions are already included in our Worldwide and Canadian install articles.

What is Deep Linking?

  • Deep Linking provides external tools like Hypothesis to have a deeper integration with Moodle. 
  • It offers an experience where using an external LTI tool like Hypothesis feels just like using other internal tools within the Moodle.
  • Deep Linking ensures that Hypothesis-enabled readings continue to work seamlessly even when they’re copied from one Moodle course to another using Moodle’s course copy feature.

How to Enable Deep Linking

  1. Open the Site Administration page, and in the Search field type manage tools and hit enter
  2. Under Search results click the Manage tools link.
    Note: The typical path to the Manage tools page will be Administration / Plugins / Activity modules / External tool / Manage tools though some Moodle sites may be configured differently.
  3. Look for the Hypothesis tool and click the gear icon or the edit button on it.
  4. Perform the following steps below based on whether you are using LTI 1.1 or LTI 1.3. 

Perform the following changes in the External Tool Configuration page.

  • Check off Supports Deep Linking (Content-Item Message)
  • Content Selection URL:
    • https://lms.hypothes.is/content_item_selection Note: For instances using the Canadian server, use the Content Selection URL below instead
    • https://lms.ca.hypothes.is/content_item_selectionMoodle-DeepLinking-LTI11

Perform the following changes in the External Tool Configuration page.

  • Redirection URI(s) (make sure there are no extra spaces or characters copied and pasted here):
    • https://lms.hypothes.is/lti/1.3/oidc
    • https://lms.hypothes.is/lti_launches
    • https://lms.hypothes.is/content_item_selection

Note: For instances using the Canadian server, use the following redirection URIs instead:

    • https://lms.ca.hypothes.is/lti/1.3/oidc
    • https://lms.ca.hypothes.is/lti_launches
    • https://lms.ca.hypothes.is/content_item_selection
  • Check off Supports Deep Linking (Content-Item Message)
  • Content Selection URL
    • https://lms.hypothes.is/content_item_selection

Note: For instances using the Canadian server, use this Content Selection URL instead

    • https://lms.ca.hypothes.is/content_item_selection

  1. Click Save Changes.

Now that Deep Linking is enabled, you will now see a Select Content button when setting up Hypothesis assignments. This enables admins or instructors to setup the assignment natively within Moodle.


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