Hypothesis in the news.
Read what others are saying about our powerful social annotation solutions. For press inquiries, please contact us.
Library Journal
23 January, 2013
Our goal is to realize a vision long held by the pioneers of the web, where we all create, consume, and collaborate interchangeably and easily.
ACM News
27 November, 2012
" is not a tool to tell people whether something is true or not-- it's a tool to let people have their input and, by having more information, they can decide for themselves whether it is true or false," says Leeds.
Future Tense
18 November, 2012
Facts and fact checking have a long history but in a world where the speed and volume of information are rapidly increasing how do we separate fact from fiction?
Star Tribune
13 November, 2012
Unveiling the Social Learning Innovator Awards 2023, Hypothesis celebrates groundbreaking educators and institutions transforming education through social learning. Whether they are outstanding 'Instructors,' visionary 'Administrators,' or recipients of the exclusive 'Program Wide Award,' these winners redefine collaborative learning. Evaluation criteria spotlight inventive approaches, technological prowess, and successful alternative methods. Join us in congratulating these extraordinary winners who are shaping the future of education!
New Scientist
19 September, 2012
Perhaps the most ambitious attempt to use the crowd to purge the internet of falsehoods is a tool called, which is due to launch next year.
Read Write Web
2 March, 2012
There are two fundamental, related cultural problems with the Web that wants to address: identity and reputation. Reputation is the main problem, but you can't approach it without fixing identity
1 November, 2011
But I'm not sure about the direction of its foundational metaphor: peer review for the internet. It suggests that the future reputation and fact checking system of the internet should be more like academic peer review. But that's the wrong way to look at it. Academic peer review should be more like
31 October, 2011
The Web: never before has there been a medium where it was so easy to find so much information. And never before has so much of it been so wrong. Somebody needs to fact-check the Internet.
Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence
28 October, 2011
It could be one of the most important innovations on the Internet since the browser. Imagine an open-source, crowd-sourced, community-moderated, distributed platform for sentence-level annotation of the Web...
24 October, 2011
One of the concerns many people have with the web is whether or not the content you come across is trustworthy. To be honest, to some extent I've always found this to be a feature, rather than a bug, in that it (hopefully) teaches people to be more skeptical of everything they read and to seek additional sources, opinions and viewpoints in determining what they really believe. However, it's definitely true that many people can get sucked in by less than credible information.