Deleting an Annotation

From the annotation sidebar

While viewing a web page or document with Hypothesis enabled, you can delete your annotations by opening the sidebar, making sure you are logged in, and clicking on the trashcan icon at the bottom of the annotation card:

A pop-up will appear and ask you to confirm whether you’d like to delete your annotation. Click “OK” to confirm:


From your profile page

If you no longer have access to the page or document where your annotation was made, you can delete the annotation from your profile page.

Go to your profile page and find the annotation you wish to delete. Click on the time stamp in the upper right corner of the annotation card:

You’ll be brought to a page that contains just your annotation. It will look like this:

From this page, you can edit, reply to, and share your annotation. You’ll also see the trashcan icon, which you can click to delete your annotation:

(Tip: If you don’t see the trashcan icon, activate Hypothesis over another page, and log in from the sidebar. Refresh the page containing just your annotation and the trashcan icon will appear.)

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