In Defense of Ian Linkletter
Hypothesis calls for ethical debate in edtech: contributing to Ian Linkletter’s defense fund against Proctorio’s SLAPP lawsuit and dedicating our help knowledge base to the public domain.
Hypothesis calls for ethical debate in edtech: contributing to Ian Linkletter’s defense fund against Proctorio’s SLAPP lawsuit and dedicating our help knowledge base to the public domain.
From time to time it may be helpful if you can communicate the details of your environment with us. These details might include which browser, which specific version of our […]
Last week we hit 6M total historical annotations (having announced the 5M annotation milestone overall only in mid-March). Hypothesis is now recording a million annotations every quarter. We ended June […]
We are proud to announce the formation of Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI) — a new initiative to dramatically increase the amount of funding available to start, grow and sustain open scholarly infrastructure.
My good friend John Perry Barlow passed yesterday. John Perry, together with Gerry Percy, was Hypothesis’ founding (and till yesterday, active) board member. From the very beginning, he understood and […]
Hypothesis and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory announce the selection of Hypothesis as the primary annotation mechanism for the bioRxiv preprint service.
Originally published 12 May 2017 on the QDR blog by Sebastian Karcher. Scholars are increasingly being called on – by journal editors, funders, and each other – to “show their […]
Hypothesis is proud to show its support as a primary stakeholder for the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC), an effort just announced to lead the scholarly industry towards opening the […]
Today we are announcing a partnership to bring open, collaborative, cross-platform annotation to eBooks. Together with NYU Libraries, NYU Press, Evident Point, the Readium Foundation and the EPUBjs project, Hypothesis will be working to bring annotation to EPUB, the standard format for digital books.
Digital books represent an enormous class of content which at present cannot be collaboratively annotated with others. Combined with the recent work that the W3C has done to standardize annotation, this represents an essential next step in bringing a high quality open annotation implementation to books everywhere.
Over the years, many have tried to bring us web annotations. On 23 February 2017, things took a giant leap forward when the W3C, the standards body for the web, standardized annotation.
Yesterday, on February 23, things took a giant leap forward when the W3C, the standards body for the Web, standardized annotation.
Twenty four years after Marc Andreessen first built collaborative annotation into Mosaic and tested it on a few “guinea pigs” before turning it off, annotations have finally become first-class citizens of the web.