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Hypothesis Web App Change Log

This article details the updates to the Hypothesis web app. For information on the changes to the Hypothesis LMS app, please click here.

Release Date Feature Description
June 2024 Self-Service User Deletion It offers a user-facing facility that allows users to delete their own Hypothesis web app accounts.
April 2024 Pending Annotation Updates Notification in the Sidebar Improved way of notifying the user of the new annotations that happened on the current webpage being viewed.
February 2024 Additional Formats for Annotation Export Plain text, CSV and HTML options have been added as supported file formats when exporting annotations.
December 2023 Display Page Numbers on VitalSource and PDF Annotations Annotations made on PDF and VitalSource readings will now display the page number of the annotated text.
September 2023 Export/ Import Annotation Enables users to export annotations for their records, and import annotations to reuse them.
July 2023 Side-by-side Mode Prevents the annotation pane from overlapping the page content.
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