
I’d like to see a particular feature added to Hypothesis – how do I let the team know?

To see if the desired feature is something we’re already working on, please check our roadmap. You can comment and...

How long do I remain logged-in to Hypothesis?

Note: if you are using our LMS app, you will remain logged in to Hypothesis as long as you are...

How do I navigate to the search and profile pages?

The search page Go to https://hypothes.is/search to access the search page. Your profile page There are a few ways to navigate...

What is the difference between Hypothesis and AnnotatorJS?

AnnotatorJS is an open source JS toolkit created by Nick Stenning while he was working for the Open Knowledge Foundation. The...

Where’s my activation email?

Please check your email spam folder. If the Hypothesis activation email is there, please move it to your inbox, since...

How do I change my username?

Please send a request to support@hypothes.is with the username you want (along with a backup in case your desired username...

Who can see my annotations?

Why are highlights private by default?

We’ve chosen to keep highlights private to avoid pages being cluttered by highlights that have no surrounding discussion. We understand...

How do I delete my account?

We’re sad to see you go! Hypothesis has a self-service facility for web app users to delete their own accounts....

Where can I find Hypothesis policies?

Here are a few links that may be useful: Terms of Service Privacy Policy Community Guidelines If you have questions...

Can I see annotations on articles behind a paywall?

Yes, if you have permission to access the content. Otherwise, you can see public page notes for the article, and...

Can I annotate Google Docs?

Google Docs that have been published to the web can be annotated in the published view. If you plan to...

How can I get access to the code or talk to Hypothesis developers?

Our code is available in our GitHub repository and you can contact Hypothesis developers via IRC (#hypothes.is on freenode.net), our...

How does Hypothesis use permissions in the Chrome extension?

When you install the Hypothesis Chrome extension, you will receive a notification from the Chrome browser asking for the following...

What is the license on annotations?

Public annotations are published under the Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication. The CC0 Public Domain Dedication allows free copying,...

How do I report abuse?

Hypothesis moderates annotations flagged by users in our Public layer, ensuring that they meet our community guidelines and terms of service....

Hypothesis Proxy Service

The Hypothesis proxy service, also known as “via”, enables the use of Hypothesis in circumstances or environments where that would...

How do I export my annotations?

At any time, you can see your Hypothesis annotations by navigating to your profile page. If you would like to...

Overview of the Hypothesis System

What’s the difference between an annotation and a highlight?

There are several “types” of Hypothesis annotations: Annotations Highlights Page Notes Replies This article will explain the differences among these...